Nitrogen fertilizers are the best nutrient source for your crops. They are easy to apply and fit seamlessly into your current soil fertility program. You can expect to have increased yields and higher quality crops when compared to using urea or ammonium.
Our nitrogen fertilizers are completely water soluble and move quickly into the soil and roots. There is consistency in the timing and rate of uptake from the plant that makes application rate and timing easier over the season. They have a net neutral effect on soil pH, which is good for many regions with low soil buffer capacity.
Traditional nitrogen fertilizers are the single largest contributor to farm emissions. Atlas Agro’s factories will use air, water, renewable electricity, and limestone as the only raw materials, virtually eliminating production emissions. In addition, the on-field emissions profile for nitrates is much lower than for urea-based fertilizers.
Atlas Agro’s production facilities will be located near farmers, and not relying on fossil fuels means we avoid fluctuating gas and oil prices. This allows us to offer long-term supply agreements of low carbon fertilizers enabling growers to reach their business and sustainability objectives.